Quotes I LOVE!!!

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature- trees, flowers, grass-grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...We need silence to be able to touch souls. Mother Teresa

Friday, May 20, 2016

Random Act of Kindness

For years I have randomly paid for coffee or paid for a meal for the car behind me in a drive thru line. I started doing this when my kids were in the car with me to teach them about random acts of kindness and how fun it can be...especially when you remain anonymous.  Although, in this moment I'm not anonymous anymore and it feels odd to write about it, but I write to share my experience in hopes you will share your gifts and goodness with others!   We have had a blast doing this drive thru act of kindness and it always makes us feel good when we spread joy!  Well, this morning I was in a drive thru and the driver in front of me paid for my coffee and breakfast danish!!!  I pulled up to the window with my money and the worker said, "Have a very blessed day thanks to the woman in the car in front of you!"  I squealed and got so excited and yes, my eyes filled with tears!  I'm a cheese ball, but WOW, that made my morning and started my day off with a blessing!  I was so happy in that moment that I paid for the person behind me in hopes of making their day too! :-)  THOUGHTS:  You never ever know when one small random act of kindness can make the day of a person struggling or just having a rotten moment.  A smile, a hello, a good morning, a good evening, a hug, a note, a text, a compliment or just taking a moment to stop and listen can make someone feel special, loved and validated!  This life is so incredibly busy and crazy and stopping to do something for others not only feeds their spirit, but it will feed yours too!  God has given every one of us gifts and talents to share and if we keep those gifts boxed up, it's a waste.  Open yourself up, share your gifts and talents and invest in the lives of others!  The goodness will come back to you.  It may not come to you in the form of coffee or a meal, but it's my hope that your heart will be filled with joy and you will spread love to all!  It's the little things in life that can make such a HUGE difference.  Much love y'all <3 Jodi  

Friday, May 13, 2016


Yesterday when I put myself in “timeout”, I went on the back deck…sat in silence and read Acts chapters 6-8.  The story of Stephen is truly amazing!  He was the first Christian Martyr who stood up for truth and stood firm in his faith and died because of his passion.  “HONESTY” seems to be a lost art today and what an amazing man to stand before powerful men and proclaim the love of Jesus Christ.  In doing so, these men stoned him to death and even in that moment, Stephen asked God to forgive those for what they were doing.  What a witness Stephen was!  He spoke truth and asked forgiveness for his enemies.  THOUGHTS:  As you move through this life, be HONEST…not only to others, but to yourself.  God knows all truth…God is truth and nothing good comes from lies.  We lie by omission and by deception but God is the only one who truly knows our hearts and our intentions. God is truth and His word is truth...and the TRUTH will set you free!  This got me thinking…yep scary! We can run from truth, hide from it, cover it up, place lies on top of lies…and yet nothing can be hidden from the one who created us.  God knows ALL and no matter what you have burning you up deep from within, God can fix it!  He is the ultimate healer.  We cannot expect to move forward until we are honest with ourselves and honest with God.  Being set free from the lie’s that bind the soul is euphoric!  Don’t clean yourself up before you go to God…JUST GO and allow Him to clean!  What is keeping you from allowing God to move in your life?  Consider being set free…Do it y’all!!!  God is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!. John 14:6  

 In your silence, who are you and what do you stand for?  In public, who are you and what do you stand for? Are you the same?  Stand firm in your faith and don’t be afraid to be honest and speak love through truth just as Stephen did.  Your reward will be AMAZING! Much love y'all on this FANTASTIC gift of a day! Jodi J