Quotes I LOVE!!!

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature- trees, flowers, grass-grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...We need silence to be able to touch souls. Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Thoughts from July 28, 2015...Updated

Thoughts on this July 28, 2015 evening:

I read a quote recently that said, “Anyone can have a child and call themselves “a parent”. A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants.”  I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of Step-Parents and the demographic of blended families.  Many people in this world today have Step Children, Step Dads, Step Mommas, Step Brothers/Sisters, Step Grandparents etc.  Blended families are true gifts and speaking personally, I’m honored to be a Step Momma and feel blessed continuously by God!  My husband and I refer to our children as “our children” and not our Step Children.  We are not here to take the place of the biological parent and don’t ever intend to attempt that because “biological” would be impossible by scientific standards.  We show love, support, and encouragement and place the needs of our kids above our own. I realize blended families can have challenges just as traditional families, but what a blessing Step Parents can be.  In Church not too long ago, our Pastor talked about God trusting Joseph to be a Step-Father to Jesus here on earth and I had never thought about this before. Joseph was chosen by God…and he chose to love Jesus.   As a Step Parent…we are chosen by God to love children who aren’t biologically ours and we also choose to love them because it’s who we are and what our hearts are made of.  The role of a Step Parent is so very beautiful and having love multiplied through Christ is a gift to be treasured forever.  As our own children grow and form their own ideas, opinions, thoughts and moral compass, my hope is they follow their heart and grow up loving Christ as their personal Savor. As a parent/step-parent, I will always be here to love, listen and wrap my arms around all our kids and show them my authentic self that Christ created.  I don’t pretend to be something I’m not and I don’t seek the approval of those here on earth. My calling is higher and I love our family with all my heart!  When I’m gone one day, my hope is our children won’t remember me by the “things” I gave them, but rather by the time, memories made, laughter shared and love I gave.  Being married to Brian Hutto and being a Momma/Step Momma to our 6 kids is the greatest joy I’ve had here on earth and I will continue to press on until God takes me home!   So...cheers to all of the AWESOME Parents/Step-Parents out there!   


  1. Such inspiring words! Your view on the role of step-parents and blended families resonates deeply, reminding us that true love is not measured by biology, but by the dedication and commitment to put others' needs before our own. You captured the essence of what it means to be a step-parent so beautifully — chosen by God to love, support, and guide with a pure heart, expecting nothing in return. The relationship you describe, where children are seen as 'our children,' transcends any concept of 'biological' and reveals the depth of unconditional love that can only be given by those who choose to love. This perspective teaches us that true parenthood is made of daily choices, acts of kindness, and the building of memories that last. How joyful it must be to see the unity and love in your family, and your faith in Christ shines through every word, showing that divine love is the foundation that binds you all. May your journey continue to be filled with blessings, and may your children, as they grow, carry with them the example of immeasurable and genuine love.
